Pathway of Discipleship

Get on the pathway with us.

Where am i today?

What is a disciple?

At Moody Methodist Church we believe that all of us are disciples - no matter how long we’ve attended church, or how much (or how little!) we know about the Bible and God. We also believe that God calls us to continually grow in our faith in Christ, and in our participation with Christ’s work in the world today. We sum this all up in our mission statement: “To walk alongside our neighbors in the love of Christ to transform the world.”

To this end we have created a “Pathway of Discipleship” showing clear steps one can take to grow as a disciple here at Moody Methodist Church.

Following Jesus and deepening your connection with God isn't always a linear path.

Where are you today?

When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where he was staying, and remained with him that day.
John 1:38-39
There’s no perfect way to define someone’s spirituality. But disciples of Jesus at stage one probably relate to a few of these statements…
      - I am curious about Jesus, but not really sure where I stand.
      - I am interested in learning more about the Bible and God.
      - I sometimes attend worship services.
      - I like to be generous with my resources and to volunteer when I can.

Where can I go from here?

If you feel like you might be at stage one in your walk and you want to grow in your faith, here is what we recommend at Moody Methodist Church:
     - Commit to regular attendance at worship services.
      - Get plugged in with a Sunday School, trying it out for at least a month.
     - Serve alongside us at the Galveston County Food Bank distributions, on the third Monday of each month at 5pm.
Email Rev. Quinn Peters at for help taking your next step.
As Jesus walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew, his brother, casting a new into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of people.”
Matthew 4:18-19
There’s no perfect way to define someone’s spirituality. But disciples of Jesus at stage two probably relate to a few of these statements…
     - I believe that Jesus died and rose again, and that he is my savior.
     - I like to learn about the Bible and God through worship services, small groups, and other classes.
     - I attend worship services, and I sometimes pray and read the Bible on my own.
     - I am generous with my resources and service to others. 

Where can I go from here?

If you feel like you might be at stage two in your walk and you want to grow in your faith, here is what we recommend at Moody Methodist Church:
     - Serve in worship as a greeter, lay reader, usher, or communion server.
     - Commit to regular spiritual practices, such as prayer and the reading of scripture, throughout the week.
     - Join a “Disciple” class or other small group that meets outside of Sunday mornings.
     - Volunteer with our children and student ministries during Sunday School, on group trips, at VBS, on a trip to Camp Lakeview, or at UM ARMY. 
     - Go on a Walk to Emmaus. 
Email Rev. Quinn Peters at for help taking your next step.
I have said these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will face trouble - but take heart, for I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
At any point along a disciple’s walk, we can hit a wall. It could be a tragedy, a crisis, or just a rut we can’t get out of. That’s okay. But God’s love for us remains even when we hit a wall. With some time, patience, and good spiritual community, Jesus can help us over the wall.

Where can I go from here?

If you feel like you might have hit a wall in your spiritual life, and you want to overcome it, here is what we recommend at Moody Methodist Church:
     - Attend Grief Share in room 117 on Tuesday Nights at 6:30pm.
     - Find support for substance issues such as alcohol or other narcotics. 
     - Register to attend a NAMI meeting on Tuesdays at 1:00pm.
     - Have a one-on-one with a Pastor.
Email Rev. Quinn Peters at for help taking your next step.
And Jesus appointed twelve, whom he named to be apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message.
Mark 3:14
There’s no perfect way to define someone’s spirituality. But disciples of Jesus at stage three probably relate to a few of these statements…
     - I have a close personal relationship with God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
     - I have close relationships with other disciples that I can lean on, and that lean on me.
     - I am consistent with my spiritual practices, such that they are a regular part of my routine.
     - I am consistently generous with my financial giving, my service to others, and my sharing of faith with others. 

Where can I go from here?

If you feel like you might be at stage three in your walk, and you want to grow in your faith, here is what we recommend at Moody Methodist Church:
    - Find your leadership role: as a Sunday School or small group leader; a Bible study teacher; or on a ministry team such as the Ambassador’s Team, Missions Council, and more.
    - Go deeper in your spiritual practices: spend more time in prayer; read from your Bible everyday; try out other practices such as the Examen, fasting, or journaling - or find out what other practices help you connect with God.
    - Extend your service outside of official church programs: drive for Meals on Wheels; volunteer at Libbie’s Place; volunteer with Galveston Central Church during the week; go beyond your usual giving to further support the church, or a specific ministry or non-profit in the area; or take the bold step to start your own ministry project in the community where you see the need.
Email Rev. Quinn Peters at for help taking your next step.
Live in me as I live in you.
John 15:4
There’s no perfect way to define someone’s spirituality. But disciples of Jesus at stage four probably relate to a few of these statements…
     - I have surrendered every aspect of my life to God - my work, my free time, all my relationships, all of me.
     - While maintaining my presence at church, I make time to connect with new people in the community with whom I can share God’s love.
     - I am fully confident of my place at Jesus Christ’s side, yet I also pursue greater and greater Christ-likeness through a range of routine spiritual practices and service opportunities.
     - Being generous with my resources is no longer an act I do - it is a lifestyle, lived out in church settings but also in the rest of the world.

Where can I go from here?

If you feel like you might be at stage four in your walk…keep going! There is no finish line. If you’re at this point, we encourage you to maintain or ramp up your engagement with church ministries, as well as with whatever opportunities the Holy Spirit puts in front of you to lead, serve, or share. If you have a passion or conviction to do more, don’t hesitate to reach out to Rev. Quinn Peters at to continue your discipleship journey. 

Informal Worship

sundays 8:30 am
What is informal worship

Informal Worship draws on the experience of the American church as it spread during the 1800s. Sometimes called "camp meeting" style, there is little ritual and no high church liturgy. Every Sunday at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary, we gather for worship that is natural and laid back. We lift our voices in praise as we sing the old-time favorite hymns of the church. There is a time for the congregation to select hymns during an old-fashioned hymn-sing. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday in an informal style. We all join hands at the end of the service as we go out to serve God and our community.

Traditional Worship

sundays 11:00 am
What is Traditional worship

Traditional Worship draws on rituals and traditions that date back to the very beginning of the Christian Church 2,000 years ago. Every Sunday at 11:00 am we gather in the Sanctuary for worship that is steeped in the liturgy and rites of the ancient church. We lift our voices in praise as we sing the traditional hymns of the church. Music is offered in a classical sacred style by the Chancel Choir, handbell groups, vocal and instrumental ensembles, and the Children's Choir and is accompanied by piano and organ. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

The Bridge (Modern) Worship

sundays 11:00 am
What is The Bridge?

The Bridge Modern Worship gathers every Sunday morning at 11:00 am for worship. Our worship space is inside of Moody Methodist Church, in the Christian Life Center (look for the Gym). Our service is an hour long and includes a blend of modern music, a thoughtful sermon, and Holy Communion each week.

Spanish Worship

sundays 11:00 am
What is Spanish worship

The Hispanic Ministry of Moody Methodist Church, with the purpose to proclaim the God of our life for the Hispanic community of Galveston, meets every Sunday at 11:00 am to share the Word of God in Spanish with celebration of the sacraments, biblical readings, songs of praise, intercessory prayer, and thanksgiving.